Percentages show contribution from each source for each 5-year period, calculated based on the total positive contribution to sea level rise during that period. Land ice contributions are taken from Bamber et al. (2018). Steric contributions use the Total Steric Level Anomaly (TSSLA) 0-2000m given by NOAA’s World Ocean Atlas 2009 (WOA09). Chart: Richard Westaway.
Category: Greenland
Ice sheet contributions to sea level rise in 2100 based on the results of structured expert judgement
Individual ice sheet contributions to sea level rise for 2100 (a) low and (b) high temperature scenarios for East Antarctica (EAIS), West Antarctica (WAIS) and Greenland (GrIS). The plots were generated from 50,000 realizations of the relevant probability distributions based on the outcomes of Structured Expert Judgement, a process by which individual experts’ views are combined and weighted in a statistically robust manner. Horizontal bars indicate the 5th, 50th, and 95th percentile values. Also shown is the likely range (17th and 83rd percentiles) as used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) plus (in grey) the total Antarctic ice sheet contribution. Chart: Richard Westaway Source: Bamber et al (2019)
Ice mass trends in Greenland and Antarctica from 2003 to 2015 using GRACE satellite data